Dr. Alexey Shavarda

Centre for Molecular and Cell Technologies, Saint Petersburg State University Research Park

Our virtual metabolomics research center has six GC-MS instruments, and the LECO PEGASUS® 4D is the crown jewel of our science park. The results of GC-MS profiling performed using GCxGC technologies has madea strong impression on users and has seriously improved the quality of ourpublications. The fast-scanning capabilities of the TOF-analyzer effectively augment the dataobtained on the ordinary quadrupole, especially when working with the most complexmatrices which are most often the subject of metabolomics analysis. The reliability of the device is especially deserving of praise. The equipment can withstand a very demanding load with constant, round-the-clock operation.

  • Analytical Phytochemistry Laboratory // Komarov Botanical Institute
  • Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry // Saint Petersburg State University
  • Department of Plant Biochemistry and Molecular Biology // Vavilov Research Institute of Plant Industry
Referenced products
Pegasus BT 4D

GCxGC Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer