LECO Solutions for GCxGC

GCxGC (“GC by GC”), also known as Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography, is a powerful analytic technique that utilizes two columns of differing phase selectivity connected by a modulation device. The set-up of GCxGC improves peak capacity, resolution, and detectability. On average, a GCxGC analysis has five times the sensitivity and gains three times the number of compound identifications of typical GC-MS runs.

As a technique that has been around for over 25 years, some may argue that the technique has been over-hyped and a complicated research tool that doesn’t fit into routine analytical laboratories. However, several routine validated GCxGC methods have demonstrated that the technique is accurate, precise, and robust. Research has shown the benefits of GCxGC in a wide variety of applications (e.g. environmental, metabolomics, petroleum, food safety, fragrance). The benefits include increased peak capacity (i.e. resolution), structured two-dimensional chromatograms (i.e. contour plots), and sensitivity enhancement.

The merits of GCxGC as a separation science are clear, but how will it benefit a routine laboratory? Multiple analyte classes can be combined into a single analysis to save instrument and sample preparation time. Manual review time for non-target screening methods can be reduced with the increased peak resolution of a GCxGC analysis by creating a better library match leading to faster, more confident peak identification. Sample characterization is improved with a GCxGC analysis which increases confidence in decisions based on analytical results. The extra resolution afforded by the GCxGC analysis allows the use of more economical detectors, like the flame ionization detector (FID) or electron capture detector (ECD).

Explore our latest video resource
Non-targeted screening in forensics, a discussion of method development and screening of forensic samples using GCXGC-TOFMS

Joining us from William and Mary, Dr. Katelynn A. Perrault Uptmor, PI of the Nontargeted Separations Laboratory , present her work of screening samples using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCXGC-TOFMS) in forensic applications as novel types of evidence appear. Dr. Perrault Uptmor highlights initial approaches to method development for new samples and show recent applications related to chemical profiling of deposited fingermarks, organic gunshot residue and decomposition odor. She also discusses the implications of GCXGC-TOFMS sample visualization in the context of expert testimony for communicating screening processes in forensic casework within the courtroom.

Part of the 2024 Non-Target Screen Webinar Series

Designed for GCxGC

Pegasus BTX

Pegasus BTX

High Sensitivity Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for GC and GCxGC

Explore Pegasus BTX
QuadJet SD

QuadJet SD

Flame Ionization Detection meets GCxGC

Explore QuadJet SD
Pegasus BT 4D

Pegasus BT 4D

GCxGC Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer

Explore Pegasus BT 4D

Application Notes

Learn more with our latest GCxGC application notes.

View Additional Application Notes


Watch our most recent videos on GCxGC.

  • Non-targeted screening in forensics, a discussion of method development and screening of forensic samples using GCXGC-TOFMS

    Joining us from William and Mary, Dr. Katelynn A. Perrault Uptmor, PI of the Nontargeted Separations Laboratory , present her work of screening samples using comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GCXGC-TOFMS) in forensic applications as novel types of evidence appear. Dr. Perrault Uptmor highlights initial approaches to method development for new samples and show recent applications related to chemical profiling of deposited fingermarks, organic gunshot residue and decomposition odor. She also discusses the implications of GCXGC-TOFMS sample visualization in the context of expert testimony for communicating screening processes in forensic casework within the courtroom.

    Part of the 2024 Non-Target Screen Webinar Series

  • New Dimensions in Non-Targeted Screening of Complex Aroma Profiles

    Joining us from The Open University, UK, Dr. Geraint Huw Morgan, STEM Research Infrastructure Lead and Director of the Centre for Analytical Solutions, present an in-depth exploration of non-targeted screening techniques for complex aroma profiles. Drawing on his extensive experience in developing advanced methods for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), Dr. Morgan highlights innovative approaches and methodologies using advanced technologies like GCxGC-MS, and TOF-MS.

    Part of the 2024 Non-Target Screen Webinar Series

  • Insights from Liege: Applying Non-Target GCxGC to Enhance Metabolomics Analyses

    Joining us from University of Liège in Belgium, Jef Focant and PH Stefanuto present how the Organic Biological Analytical Chemistry Group utilizes GCxGC-TOFMS in their research. Focant provides a comprehensive overview of testing complex matrices samples, demonstrating the wealth of information that can be gained from analyses across various metabolomics applications. Stefanuto explores the microbiome, offering insight into the using GCxGC-TOFMS to unravel complex samples, paving the way for innovative discoveries.

    Part of the 2024 Non-Target Screen Webinar Series

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