Mass Spectrometry Video

Displaying  20  of 79 Mass Spectrometry video
Title and Description
Higher Library Match Confidence with IGS

History and development of LECO Identification Grading System (IGS), developed from involvement in EPA's Non-Targeted Analysis Collaborative Trial (ENTACT). Presented by Todd Richards, LECO Separation Sciences Service Manager, as part of the LECO 2020 GCxGC Symposium.

ChromaTOF Classification Tools

Christina Kelly (LECO Applications Chemist) demonstrates how to use the classification tools of ChromaTOF® software. Presented as a portion of the LECO 2020 GCxGC Symposium.

Flavor Ingredient Analyses through GC-MS

Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry data can be analyzed to determine region of origin of various ingredients, such as vanilla or cinnamon, based on known analytes. Marlene Moskowitz, Senior Scientist, McCormick & Company, discusses how their labs utilize GCMS to determine product flavor profiles.

Challenges and solutions in aroma profiling

The Pegasus BT 4D determines key aromatic compounds in pumpernickel bread; GCxGC benefits for the analysis of beer and hops samples. Presented by Lena Dubois and Liz Humston-Fulmer, LECO Corporation.

Towards Better Tasting Vegetarian Foods

An overview of GCxGC mass spectrometry and improved flavors in vegetarian foods. ChromaTOF Tile was utilized to review chromatography data. Presented by Hans-Gerd Janssen, Science Leader Unilever Research, Professor Recognition-based Analytic Chemistry at Wageningen University & Research, and Ed Rosing, Analytical Flavour Scientist at Unilever R&D Vlaardingen.

Breath Analysis – Investigating the Human Volatome

Copresenters Renee Cataneo & Mayur Mundada [Menssana Research Inc.] discuss data obtained through GCxGC TOF-MS analysis of breath samples. Originally presented 20 September 2012.

StayClean Ion Source: Changing the Filament

The StayClean Ion Source dramatically reduces system downtime. The only maintenance this source requires is periodic filament replacement. This video walks through the simple process of changing the filament.

Science from Beyond the Grave: a Virtual GC Symposium

Three GC/MS Experts embrace the 'spookier' side of mass spectrometry.

Jane Hill, from the University of British Columbia, brings her expertise on 'omics and medical diagnostics in Disease: Trick or Treat? Metabolomics is changing how we monitor our health

Albert Lebedev, professor at the Faculty of Chemistry at Moscow State University, has suggestions and advice for what to do if you meet a mummy (and happen to have access to mass spectrometry!) in What Mass Spectrometry can tell you about 5000 year old Mummies

Shari Forbes, Director of Canada's Secure Site for Research in Thanatology, will finish the symposium with a look into GCxGC mass spectrometry and the wider range of research and training that can come from Canada's first body farm in Death, Decomposition and Dogs

Principles and Instrumentation of GC×GC and ToF-MS

Improved sensitivity and group-type selectivity makes GC×GC ideal for MOSH/MOAH separations - saturated species can be separated from the unsaturated or aromatic ones. Hans-Gerd Janssen, University of Wageningen, Netherlands.

Understanding Food Off-Flavors and Malodors

Utilizing Gas Chromatography-Olfactometry (GC-O) can help identify active odor compounds in complex mixtures. But, what happens if GC-O does not identify a compound, but an off-flavor or malodor is still present?

Application of Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography with Mass Spectrometric Detection for Analysis of Pesticide Residues in Foodstuffs

The Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority has been using GCxGC-TOFMS for the analysis of pesticide residues in food of plant origin since 2005. Radim Stepan will talk about the advances in the instruments and the analyses they have used for pesticide residue analysis in cooperation with the University of Chemistry and Technology Prague.

Food Safety: A Journey Beyond the MOSH&MOAH Hump in Food Determination

The current analytical method for the quantitative determination of Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons (MOSH) and Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons (MOAH) is LC-GC-FID, but the chromaticagraphic profile obtained is too often just a hump of unresolved substances. However, GCxGC-TOFMS/FID is the most promising solution to characterize MOSH and MOAH in detail and to detect markers that can help identify and act on the source of contamination. Giorgia Purcaro [University of Liege] will introduce the challenges of MOSH/MOAH analysis and talk about what adding a GCxGC-TOFMS analysis to your process can do for your results.

Multiclass GCxGC Method for Cannabis Products

Lorne Fell [LECO] provides an update on LECO Separation Science instruments and equipment. Jean-François Focant [University of Liège] presents "Multiclass GCxGC Method for Cannabis Products", discussing how GCxGC can be utilized to study cannabis strains for CBD content.

Analysis of GCxGC-TOFMS Data using Tile-Based Fisher Ratio

Rob Synovec [University of Washington] discusses discovery-based analysis and its application into gas chromatography, and the development of ChromaTOF® Tile, a tile-based fisher ratio analysis tool. [Synovec presentation begins at 14:00]

Characterization of Beverage Products Containing Cannabidiol

Liz Humston-Fulmer [LECO] utilized GCxGC TOF-MS technologies to understand the chemical composition of CBD-infused beverages. Originally presented 26 March 2020.

Cannabis Potency Testing and Terpene Profiling

Dave Alonso explores GCxGC TOFMS analysis of cannabis samples for understanding of terpene and cannabinoids among cannabis cultivars.

ChromaTOF Retention Index

LECO Applications Chemist, Liz Humston-Fulmer, discusses the Retention Index functionality of ChromaTOF GC-MS data analysis software. This webinar was part of the LECO 2020 GCxGC Symposium.

ChromaTOF Spectral Analysis Tools

Dave Alonso, LECO Applications Chemist, introduces webinar attendees to the Spectral Analysis Tools within the ChromaTOF software. Originally presented as a segment of the LECO 2020 GCxGC Symposium. Create Mass Defect, Ring Double-Bond Equivilent, and Van Krevelen data plots.

ChromaTOF Quantitation Method Setup

In this webinar from the 2020 GCxGC Symposium, Todd Richards (LECO Separation Science Service Manager) demonstrates quantitiation method set-up in ChromaTOF software.

ChromaTOF: Peak Filtering

Christina Kelly, LECO Applications Chemist, demonstrates Peak Filtering within the ChromaTOF software. This webinar was originally presented to LECO 2020 GCxGC Symposium participants.