Approved Methods

International standards exist to enable an interconnected world. By creating and adhering to standards, a global confidence is built. The international language of standards allows us to communicate our quality in a way any scientist can understand: with proven, reliable, and repeatable results. LECO is proud to take an active role in the development of and adherence to these international standards.

LECO instruments conform to the approved methodologies for many organizations.

Download the pdf file of these approved methods, or view the methods below:

AACC (American Association of Cereal Chemists)

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
46-30 828/928 Series Protein Cereal and Cereal Products

AOAC International

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
990.03 828/928 Series Crude Protein Animal Feed
992.15 828/928 Series Crude Protein Meat, Meat Products, and Petfoods
992.23 828/928 Series Crude Protein  Cereal Grain and Oil Seed Products
993.13 828/928 Series Nitrogen Fertilizer
997.09 828/928 Series Nitrogen, Protein Beer, Wort, and Brewing Grains (Total Protein by Calculation)
2017.08 S832 Series Sulfur Fertilizer

AOCS (American Oil Chemists’ Society)

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
BA4E-93 828/928 Series Protein Oil Seeds
BA4F-00 828/928 Series Protein Soybean Meal

ASBC (American Society of Brewing Chemists)

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
Combustion 828/928 Series Protein Adjunct Materials and Cereals
Combustion 828/928 Series Protein Barley
Combustion 828/928 Series Protein Beer
Combustion 828/928 Series Protein Brewers’ Grains
Combustion 828/928 Series Protein Malt
Combustion 828/928 Series Protein Wort

ASTM (American Society for Testing & Materials)

LECO has been involved with ASTM International for over 30 years, with employees serving on committees ranging from cement, to nuclear fuel cycle, to additive manufacturing technologies, to mechanical testing , and more. As with our instruments, we work with ASTM to both push our analytical abilities forward with new methods and rework old methods to keep them up to date with current and cutting-edge technology. 

Learn more about LECO’s commitment to ASTM International Standards.

» Carbon Black

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
D1619 832 Series Sulfur Carbon Black
D7633 832 Series Carbon Carbon Black
D7662 832 Series Carbon Carbon Black Feedstock Oils
D7679 832 Series Sulfur Carbon Black Feedstock Oils

» Cement

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
Sec 18.1
TGA801 Loss on Ignition (LOI) Portland Cement
Appendix X2.2.2
TGA801 Split Loss on Ignition, Carbon Dioxide Hydraulic Cement
Appendix X2.2.5
844/744 Series Total Carbon, Carbon Dioxide Hydraulic Cement
Sec 11
TM800, TGA801 Moisture Coal Ash & Natural Pozzolans
Sec 11
TM800, TGA801  LOI Coal Ash & Natural Pozzolans

» Ceramics

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
C1494-01 844/744 Series,
836/736 Series
Carbon, Oxygen, Nitrogen Silicon Nitride Powder

» Energy

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
C1408 844/744 Series Carbon (Total) Uranium Oxide Powders and Pellets
C1457 H836EN Hydrogen Uranium Oxide Powders and Pellets
D240 AC500 Calorific Value Hydrocarbon Fuels
D1552 832 Series Sulfur Oils and Petroleum Products
D1619 832 Series Sulfur Carbon Black
D1857 AF700 Ash Fusion Coal and Coke Ash
Mth A
832 Series Sulfur Coal and Coke
D4809 AC500 Calorific Value Hydrocarbon Fuels
D5016 832 Series Sulfur Coal and Coke Ash
D5291 828 Series Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen Oil
Mth A
828 Series Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen Coal
Mth B
832 Series Carbon Coal and Coke
D5769 Pegasus BT Total Aromatics Finished Gasoline
D5865 AC500, AC600 Calorific Value Coal and Coke
D7348 TGA701, TGA801 Loss on Ignition (LOI) Combustion Residues
D7582 TGA701, TGA801 Proximate (Moisture, Volatile, and Ash) Coal and Coke
Sec 13.2.2
TGM800 Moisture Coal and Coke
D8339 TGA801 Free Moisture, Gypsum, Calcium Sulfite Hemihydrate, Calcium Carbonate, Ash Flue Gas Desulfurization Solids (FGD)

» Hardness Testing

Method Instruments Title
E10 LCB3100 Standard Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials
E18 LR, LCR Standard Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness of Metallic Materials
E92 LM, LV, LMV, AMH43,
AMH55, Test Blocks
Standard Test Method for Knoop and Vickers Hardness of Materials
E140 LM, LV, LR, LCR, LMV,
Standard Hardness Conversion Tables for Metals Relationship Among Brinell Hardness, Vickers Hardness, Rockwell Hardness, Superficial Hardness, Knoop Hardness, and Scleroscope Hardness

» Metals

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
E1019 844/744 Series,
836/736 Series
Carbon, Sulfur, Nitrogen, Oxygen Steel, Iron*, Nickel/Cobalt Alloys
E1409 836/736 Series Oxygen, Nitrogen Titanium and Titanium Alloys
E1447 836 Series,
H836 EN
Hydrogen Titanium and Titanium Alloys
E1569  836/736 Series Oxygen Tantalum
E1587 844/744 Series,
836/736 Series
Carbon, Sulfur, Nitrogen, Oxygen Refined Nickel
E1915 844/744 Series,
832 Series
Carbon, Sulfur Metal Bearing Ores and Related Materials (i.e. tailings, waste rock)
E1941 844/744 Series Carbon Refractory and Reactive Metals
E2050 844/744 Series, Carbon Mold Powders
E2575 836/736 Series Oxygen Copper
E2792 H836EN Hydrogen Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys
E2994 GDS Multiple Titanium and Titanium Alloys

* ISO 4935 – Sulfur Method; ISO 9556 – Carbon Method

» Microscopy

Method Instruments Title
 E1951 BX, GX, SZ, SZX Standard Guide for Calibrating Reticles and Light Microscope Magnifications

AWS (American Welding Society)

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
A4.4M:2001 612 Series Moisture Welding Fluxes and Electrode Flux Coverings

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
525.2 Pegasus BT Organic Compounds Drinking Water
8270 Pegasus BT Semi-volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) Solids, Soil, and Water

ISO (International Organization for Standardization)

» Energy

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
1928 AC500, AC600 Calorific Value Solid Mineral Fuels
29541 828 Series Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen Solid Mineral Fuels
16948 828 Series Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen Solid Biofuels
18611-2 828/928 Series Nitrogen Catalyst
Annex B
828/928 Series Total Nitrogen, Urea Aqueous Urea Solution
19579 832 Series Sulfur Solid Mineral Fuels
Annex B
828/928 Series Total Nitrogen, Urea Aqueous Urea Solution

» Food

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
14891 828/928 Series Total Nitrogen, Protein Milk and Milk Products
16634 828/928 Series Total Nitrogen, Protein Food Products, Oilseed, and Animal Feeds

» Hardness Testing

Method Instruments Title
4545-2 LM, LMV Metallic materials — Knoop hardness test — Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines
6506-2 LCB3100 Metallic materials — Brinell hardness test — Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines
6507-2 LM, LMV, LV Metallic materials — Vickers hardness test — Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines
6508-2 LR, LCR Metallic materials — Rockwell hardness test — Part 2: Verification and calibration of testing machines

» Metals

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
3690 DH603 Hydrogen Ferritic Steel Arc Weld Metal
4689-2/3 844/744 Series Sulfur Iron Ores
4935 844/744 Series Sulfur Steel and Iron
7524 844/744 Series Carbon Nickel, Ferronickel, and Nickel Alloys
7526 844/744 Series Sulfur Nickel, Ferronickel, and Nickel Alloys
9556 844/744 Series Carbon Steel and Iron
9686 844/744 Series Carbon, Sulfur Direct Reduced Iron
9891 844/744 Series Carbon UO2
10694 844/744 Series Carbon Soil
10719 844/744 Series Carbon Cast Irons
10720 836/736 Series Nitrogen Steel and Iron
11873 844/744 Series Carbon, Sulfur Cobalt Metal Powders
13902 844/744 Series Sulfur Steel and Iron
15349-2 844/744 Series Carbon Unalloyed Steel
15350 844/744 Series Carbon, Sulfur Steel and Iron
15351 836/736 Series Nitrogen Steel and Iron
17053 836/736 Series   Steel and Iron
19272 GDS Carbon, Silicon, Manganese, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Chromium, Nickel, Aluminum, Titanium, and Copper Low Alloyed Steel
21614 844/744 Series Carbon Uranium Dioxide [UO2], Uranium-Gadolinium Mixed Oxides [(U, Gd)O2], and Uranium-Plutonium Mixed Oxides [(U, Pu)O2]
22963 836/736 Series Oxygen Titanium and Titanium Alloys

» Plastics

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
Method D
TGA801 Ash Plastics

» Soils

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
10694 832 Series,
828/928 Series,
844/744 Series,
612 Series
Carbon Soil
13878 828/928 Series Nitrogen Soil
15178 928 Series,
832 Series
Sulfur Soil

» Surface Chemical Analysis

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
11505 GDS Multiple General Procedures
14707 GDS Multiple Introduction to Use
16962 GDS Zinc and Aluminum Coatings Ferrous or Other Metal Base Materials
25138 GDS Metal Oxide Films Multiple Base Materials

Ontario Ministry of the Environment

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
E3487 QuadJet™ SD-ECD Organochlorine Pesticides (OCs),
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
Soil, Sediment

UOP (Universal Oil Products)

Method Instruments Constituents Materials
703 844/744 Series Carbon Catalysts
864 832 Series Sulfur Organic and Inorganic Materials
990 GCxGC FID Molecular type classification Petroleum Samples