Growth Expected for Cultivated Meat Market Despite State Bans

Growth Expected for Cultivated Meat Market Despite State Bans

Regardless of what kind of diet you follow, it’s likely that you’re aware of the importance of consuming protein. Protein is an essential macronutrient that is responsible for the growth and repair of muscles and bones, as well as the creation of some hormones and enzymes. It is also an excellent source of energy. Foods […]

Let Us Show You the Whey!

Let Us Show You the Whey!

Whether it be in your post-workout protein shake or breakfast yogurt bowl, whey protein is in most foods consumed daily. Whey is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained and is the byproduct of the manufacturing of cheese or casein. Whey protein has many commercial uses, and the global market is expected […]

The Power of GC-TOF-MS for Food and Environmental Analyses

The Power of GC-TOF-MS for Food and Environmental Analyses

LECO Europe is presenting a two-day virtual seminar on how LECO GC-TOF-MS and GC×GC-TOF-MS technologies can dramatically enhance your applications for Food Analysis (9th June) and Environmental (11th June). These presentations are now available on-demand. Day 1 // 9th June 2020 // FOOD Speakers include: Jürgen Wendt & Nick Jones // LECO Europe; Giorgia Purcaro // University […]